Anglezarke Reservoir

Anglezarke Reservoir is in Anglezarke

Anglezarke Reservoir is the north-most of The Three Lakes and is the largest by area.

Anglezarke Reservoir

Anglezarke Reservoir image by munki-boy

Anglezarke Reservoir map

Marker type: Lake

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More about Anglezarke Reservoir

Rivington Reservoirs - What lies beneath?

Rivington Reservoirs - What lies beneath?

Rivington Reservoirs - What lies beneath?

Find out what really lies beneath the waters of the Rivington Reservoirs, probably not what you heard. Reconstructed in 3D.

About: Rivington Reservoirs - What lies beneath?

Explore Anglezarke Reservoir

Heapey Waterman's Cottage

Heapey Waterman's Cottage

Built at the time of the construction of Anglezarke Reservoir Heapey Waterman’s Cottage has an enviable position right on the edge of the water when the water level is high.

Explore: Heapey Waterman's Cottage

Also near The Rivington Reservoirs

All about the Rivington Reservoirs, the Three Lakes, Yarrow Reservoir and Anglezarke with maps and information.

Explore: The Rivington Reservoirs

Lower Rivington Reservoir

The easy to visit Lower Rivington Reservoir has good access to the water from the Rivington side and below the castle but can suffer Blue-Green Algae.

Explore: Lower Rivington Reservoir

Yarrow Reservoir

Said to be the deepest, Yarrow Reservoir is often overlooked as one of the Rivington Reservoirs and to be fair it hasn’t easy access to the water but it does have interesting carvings.

Explore: Yarrow Reservoir

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