Tigers Clough Crooked Edge Waterfall

Tigers Clough Crooked Edge Waterfall is in Rivington

The smaller of the two waterfalls in Tigers Clough is on the Crooked Edge or Shaw’s Brook and is a tall but narrow flow of water that is rather unimpressive unless the weather has been wet.

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Tigers Clough Crooked Edge Waterfall image by Warby

Tigers Clough Crooked Edge Waterfall map

Marker type: Waterfall

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More about Tigers Clough Crooked Edge Waterfall

Local Waterfalls

Local Waterfalls

Local Waterfalls

A guide to the local West Pennine area waterfalls and perhaps a few others nearby in Lancashire.

About: Local Waterfalls

Also near Tigers Clough

Also near Tigers Clough

A wooded stream valley with geological faults, waterfalls, the site of an old cotton bleaching works and a secret pub.

Explore: Tigers Clough


Tigers Clough Waterfall

The main waterfall in Tigers Clough formed where water falls over the edge of an old geological fault.

Explore: Tigers Clough Waterfall

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