Lead Mines Clough is located around a mineral vein that has infilled along a geological fault line. The area was mined extensively in the past and there are obvious bell pits on the higher ground and an excellent example of later mine workings that was restored by volunteers.
The brook flowing through the area has several waterfalls and has exposed quite large areas of rock bedding that gives the area a different look to its surroundings, that is carried further by the pine tree plantations that are still in place. Many such plantations having been removed and re-planted with native trees.
Lead Mines Clough is also where several important paths meet on many walking routes.
Lead Mines Clough image by munki-boy
There is an exposed Marine Band over the stream bed in places that yields an abundance of tiny Goniatites
Fossil bearing limestone transported to the West Pennine Moors by glacier
A great but very small waterfall on the way into Lead Mines Clough with an interesting outcrop of Marine Band shale.
Larger than you remember but always blocked by fallen trees and branches this waterfall is an impressive disappointment to many photographers.
A nice waterfall on sunny days, just below the small bridge at the top of Lead Mines Clough.