Jepson's Clough

Jepson's Clough is in Rivington

Jepson’s Clough is a small woodland area with the River Douglas still as a small stream passing through. The rocky clough from which the area gets its name is scenic and leads on to a small waterfall with interesting geological features.

Jepson's Clough image by munki-boy

Jepson's Clough Wood image by munki-boy

Jepson's Clough map

Marker type: Woods

Read more about woodland in Britain...

Explore Jepson's Clough

Jepson's Clough Waterfall

Jepson's Clough Waterfall

A nice little waterfall in Jepson’s Clough formed over an old geological fault line.

Explore: Jepson's Clough Waterfall

Also near Rivington

Also near Rivington

The County Parish of Rivington is quite large and contains the village, most of the “three lakes”, the pike and parts of Winter Hill as far as the River Douglas near Horwich.

Explore: Rivington

Rivington Pike

All about Rivington Pike, a prominent hill above the town of Horwich in Lancashire, topped by an easily recognizable tower on site of an ancient beacon fire.

Explore: Rivington Pike

The Rivington Reservoirs

All about the Rivington Reservoirs, the Three Lakes, Yarrow Reservoir and Anglezarke with maps and information.

Explore: The Rivington Reservoirs

Rivington Terraced Gardens

The ruins of Lord Leverhulme’s terraced gardens at Rivington, known to locals as the Chinese Gardens.

Explore: Rivington Terraced Gardens

Lever Castle - Rivington

Leverhulme’s replica of the former Liverpool Castle, a garden folly on a very grand scale.

Explore: Lever Castle - Rivington

Tigers Clough

A wooded stream valley with geological faults, waterfalls, the site of an old cotton bleaching works and a secret pub.

Explore: Tigers Clough

The Horwich Plague Pits

The site of the old Horwich plague pits with some degree of accuracy for the first time. Illustrated with a bunch of maps from 1620 to present (almost).

Explore: The Horwich Plague Pits

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