The Grey Heights Quarries are a few old and partially in-filled old quarries together with a small quarry now filled with water. The quarries are unsurprisingly located on the Grey Heights side of what is now usually referred to as Healey Nab or Chorley Nab, however, the “Nab”, is actually that most northern section of the hill, not including the summit. (Nab being from the Old Norse - a projecting peak)
Stone from the quarries here is said to have been used to construct the local section of the Thirlmere Viaduct valve-houses, pumping stations and other furniture. The stone is the local grit.
Despite it’s usual, littered and sometime graffiti splashed state, the Grey Heights quarry is often teeming with wildlife, especially various dragonfies, damselflies, and amphibians.
Grey Heights Quarry image by munki-boy