West Pennine Carboniferous Fossils

The fossils we usually find in the local gritstone are of Carboniferous plants or the ancestors of trees, sort of simplified trees with very few branches and a scaly bark. Fossils in these rock types are relatively rare, so though they might not be the nicest looking fossils they’re pretty special.

We also find similar fossils in the local mudstones that are often more complete than the former. Roots, trunks or plant stems may be found.

These fossils are the remains of plants that lived around 300 million years ago in a tropical swamp-like enviroment, at this time the area was around the equator, warm and humid.

Marine Band fossils are also from the Carboniferous period but I separated them out as they’re marine. There are also Carboniferous fossils to be found in glacial erratics in the area but again, I decided to separate them out as they’re usually marine and not ‘native’ to the area.

Carboniferous plant stem fossil image by munki-boy

More about West Pennine Carboniferous Fossils


Fossil Lycopsid Roots at Shaly Dingle

Fossil Lycopsid Roots at Shaly Dingle

Fossils roots of the ancestors of modern trees can be found in the ravine at Shaly Dingle

Fossils roots of the ancestors of modern trees can be found in the ravine at Shaly Dingle

About: Fossil Lycopsid Roots at Shaly Dingle

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